I agree with about everything you said [spambot copy pasta lol]

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I agree with about everything you said [spambot copy pasta lol]

Post by Skyzhay »

This poll provides me the OSRS GP vibes that you guys actually want to get famous for your communication with your community, and that you're well knowledgeable of the gaming world about you. Neither of these are particularly correct. Jagex"communicates" with their neighborhood more than many other games, but not nearly the most, particularly when you don't count surveys which are crampacked filled with voting biasing problems, questions that shouldn't be inquired, and (what feels like) intentional misinformation or lack of crucial information required to make an informed decision.

You are very afraid of repeatable quests and OSRS HD that will be discretionary and that will not impact you at all in any way, nor will either influence Runescape for you because one is cosmetic and another won't offer rewards? This type of overreaction makes it hard to take what you're saying seriously. And new skills - those items that a sizable majority of gamers want, but maybe not quite 75% in any given case - yes, truly Jagex are blowing off their entire player-base here. Do not overlook the massive number of people who spite vote against pvp updates simply because they don't like the community. Unpolled changes are fine if that is the situation.

I agree with about everything you said. It's correct that the very best content of OSRS usually come in BOTH Jagex and community serving each other. But we must not forget that Jagex by his very own is also capable of great surprise if given the chance ( think about the way Twisted League was awesome, and yet we didnt understood much about it before release) I think when all League content has been polled beforehand, it would have been alot different and probably less exctiting and surprising. What is wrong with repeatable quests? And here I thought the entire leveling experience could be shattered with this one upgrade.

I concur with everything you mentioned except for you getting your underwear on fire for them asking for telephone number at the close of the survey. There was also no requirement, whatsoever, to use your RS email, and you may always offer a fake in Runescape game name if this area was demanded (not certain if it was). Little reaction for three fields you fully had on filling out, freedom. Employment status is also standard market study. You'd answer such a question nowadays for any questionnaire that's trying to become serious about the demographics. Was a NEET triggered?

I might be in the minority cheap OSRS gold here but I'd really like to see something like dungoneering added. Found it interesting this came up in the survey but unlucky it had been tied to summoning (yuck). Really enjoyed dungoneering and exploring/randomness' group facets to it. Also needing to produce your own equipment was cool so that the wealthiest players didn't necessarily have an advantage going through the ability (nothing against those gamers, only found it was fun to the ability ). OSRS version of dung could be sailing. When its repolled yes, it'd be fine for OSRS to get its own skill much like our quests that are exclusive.
Last edited by SexySurgical on Fri Oct 15, 2021 6:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: I agree with about everything you said

Post by katertjekat »

The above all read to me a bit like:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur iaculis lectus a justo convallis, a posuere nibh varius. In ultricies ut felis id auctor. Quisque molestie nunc nibh, et consectetur sapien mattis ac. Duis pellentesque diam libero, eu luctus est placerat a. Vestibulum nisl nulla, maximus sed rutrum non, iaculis nec libero. Donec molestie mi ac tortor auctor tristique. Cras eu nisl arcu. Fusce maximus felis at arcu congue, sed ornare magna iaculis. Suspendisse potenti. Vivamus dictum faucibus sollicitudin. Quisque maximus condimentum justo, ac condimentum magna.

Donec vel placerat sapien. Fusce facilisis quis dolor quis tincidunt. Donec nec justo eros. Nulla vulputate ex at dui laoreet consequat eget vitae nunc. Nunc lacus enim, aliquet eget libero vitae, pulvinar semper leo. Proin libero enim, volutpat sed nibh eu, efficitur finibus justo. Nulla quis eleifend urna. Vestibulum auctor est augue, vitae laoreet est dictum sit amet. Duis quis malesuada elit. Nam quis libero augue. Nulla sagittis mi eget purus dignissim dictum.

Aenean cursus massa ut purus pharetra congue. Vestibulum laoreet eleifend dui sed consequat. Nulla a varius magna. Morbi neque urna, mollis at tincidunt nec, consectetur ac justo. Mauris non dignissim nisi, id finibus metus. Etiam rutrum porta consequat. Maecenas vitae dignissim ipsum, varius posuere augue. Nam tristique mattis ligula, in vulputate mi cursus quis.

Quisque pulvinar accumsan nulla, in rhoncus erat eleifend id. Praesent luctus commodo tellus, id posuere ligula tincidunt non. In malesuada dolor lacus, eget consectetur ante sagittis ultricies. Vivamus eu lacinia diam. Nam interdum metus non lobortis venenatis. Ut porta nisi sed massa bibendum semper. Nulla facilisi. Vestibulum a nulla mauris. Ut molestie dolor a fringilla lobortis. Curabitur finibus neque a tempus cursus. Cras varius dignissim lacus, et aliquet nisl semper a. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam pulvinar, quam gravida malesuada posuere, massa ipsum feugiat sapien, a porta nulla dolor sed risus.

Morbi velit nisl, condimentum et libero nec, hendrerit tristique justo. Aliquam eu suscipit libero, id sollicitudin nunc. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nam at interdum turpis, vel ultrices neque. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nam condimentum dui vel purus dignissim, et sagittis dui elementum. Suspendisse mattis, orci id aliquet placerat, risus leo dignissim massa, sit amet faucibus urna libero et nunc. Integer sapien risus, fermentum sed diam quis, elementum cursus sapien. Pellentesque faucibus erat quis placerat sodales. Sed aliquam suscipit quam. Donec luctus augue id rutrum pellentesque. Suspendisse commodo dolor eget mauris blandit aliquet.
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